The Fabric of Traders : An Interview with RIsklifenews

We at Stock Streetwear aim to create a culture of people who are passionate about trading and want to incorporate their love of trading with their personal style. Let’s get into the new interview of our series, The Fabric of Traders, in which we catch up with your favorite traders to talk trading and fashion.

Excited to release this interview with Tyler Davis, better known as @risklifenews on Instagram. Tyler is a full-time day trader and full-time skating enthusiast. His Instagram continues to grow with over 5K followers. We linked up with Tyler to learn more about his journey as a trader, shoot the shit about his favorite comedic content (recs below!), and talk about his plans for 2025. Check out our interview below to get to know the up-and-coming trader, Mr. Tyler Davis!

What initially attracted you to the world of day trading, and how did you embark on this journey?

What initially attracted me to trading was probably the same thing as everyone else. I saw you could make a lot of money "quickly" plus the freedom that can come along with that.

Like a lot of people, I discovered trading through social media. I think a ton of people got into it during the COVID era, but I was a little later. I started in November 2021. Which is funny because if you look at the /ES or /NQ chart, I started at the exact top of the COVID bull run. As soon as things got tricky and you couldn't just buy calls every day anymore. Luckily I discovered @raketrades on Instagram pretty early on, and I took part in his Mastermind 1.0 program. Which is still the same strategy that I trade with today, 3 years later.

How do you typically deal with setbacks or losses, and what strategies do you implement to bounce back?

Trust me, I've had my fair share of setbacks and big losses. Trading can be so mentally stressful. Which not only affects you, but can affect your family and the people around you.

First off, you need to have hobbies or an outlet outside of trading. After you have a frustrating trading day - whether you give back a lot of profits, or you take a big loss, or blow an account - whatever it may be, if you spend the rest of the day sitting around thinking about it, it will destroy your mood. You get short with people and can find yourself being an asshole to your family. Which is obviously not cool. Personally, I like to skate. So after a bad day in the markets, I grab the board and hit the streets. It's my therapy and there's no way I'm thinking about my trades while I'm bombing a hill trying not to die. So make sure you have something away from the charts that helps you detach.

Do you think humor helps you connect better with your audience, or are you just trying to make them laugh so they forget about their losses?

I think it helps me connect with them better, but I hope it helps people feel better about their losses. That would be dope. I think it helps me connect with them better because we all make the same mistakes in trading. Most of us make those mistakes over and over again until we finally fix them. Those mistakes are probably what I joke about the most when it comes to trading and traders who have been through it relate to them. Only traders understand the mental pain we've all been through. We gotta laugh to keep from crying.

Also, in the age of the "tradefluencer" as I like to call them, social media tends to make trading look so easy. Everyone thinks they're going to get rich quick with hundreds of tradefluencers selling them the dream.

Most of my jokes are self deprecating about my bad trading habits. Which most traders can relate to. It makes me one of them. My followers and I are a family of trading degenerates.

Since we’re talking about humor. Did you idolize any comedians or comedic actors growing up? If so, who were your favorites? We’d love to know!

Great question! My favorite stand up specials when I was growing up were Katt Williams, 'The Pimp Chronicles' and 'American Hustle.’ Those are both amazing. I was also a big fan of Louis C.K. Chappelle’s Show was huge when I was going up, which has to be the greatest sketch comedy of all time. I love that.

When I was really young I used to watch Seinfeld with my parents before bed. So I've been a lifelong fan of that. Curb Your Enthusiasm, also great.

My two favorite comedic actors are probably Jim Carry and Owen Wilson. I've always thought if I acted I would try to emulate Jim Carry as much as possible. When it comes to Owen Wilson all I need to say is Wedding Crashers, but You, Me, and Dupree doesn't get talked about enough. If you've never watched that movie, stop what you're doing right now and go watch it. Don't even finish this article. Do it immediately.

What’s your favorite fashion brand? Anything specific you want to add to your wardrobe in 2024?

I like skate brands. So Dime, Palace, GX1000 has some dope drops. I need to cop that Stock Streetwear for 2024.

What else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?

I've been really locked in trying to improve my trading this year. I'm on pace for a profitable 2024 and want to maximize that as much as possible. More live streams will be coming eventually. So be on the lookout for that. I have a bunch of new merch designs I'm trying to decide how I want to release. So we'll see what happens with that. Who knows, maybe a collab with Stock Streetwear.

In 2025 I want to launch a non profit focused on supporting underprivileged youth through skateboarding. Providing them with boards, skate lessons, a supportive community, etc. while spreading the ministry of Jesus Christ. Maybe we'll call it Kickflips for Christ. I don't know yet, but let me know if you have any ideas.

Finally, if you could go back and give yourself one piece of advice when you were just starting out, what would it be?

This is a tough question, but probably just to humble yourself. If you're a successful person in other areas of your life and naturally a confident person you probably think you'll be a good trader. Which you might be, but the market does not care. If you don't humble yourself, the market will do it for you, trust me.

Also, read Best Loser Wins. It's the best trading book out there in my opinion. The audio book is also great, because he doesn't talk about technicals at all. 

Get good at losing. Fastest way to ruin your trading is to be a bad loser.

Stay connected and follow Tyler on social media platforms for his exclusive content.
Instagram: @risklifenews
X: @risklifenews
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Get good at losing. Fastest way to ruin your trading is to be a bad loser.